Saturday, 7 July 2012

Dare Devil's 200kmh Drifting

 I was first introduced to drifting in the movie Fast n Furious 3 (Tokyo Drifting) a couple of years ago. I thought that movie sucked piles. Perhaps the reason I did not like it was that I watched it from a boot leg pirated DVD bought on the street for ten bucks. The price or the degenerate moral decay of piracy was certainly not the reason I did not like the movie; or maybe it may have contributed a little, since my copy was all blurry and out of focus since it was shot in a movie theater. My sound quality was not bad but the guy kept coughing over the characters’ lines, so I could not follow where the story was going, added to the fact that I could not understand the parts that were in Japanese. The subtitles only displayed half the sentences from the left and the top parts of the alphabets, so that was not of help either. The real reason I think I was not impressed with the movie though was simply that I have seen better, especially Fast n Furious 1 and 2 and I was not happy with the fact that, drifting was the whole focus of the movie and for that I rated drifting a zero out of ten.

But that was until I took a virtual trip to Saudi Arabia. I could not believe that what I was watching was real, let alone the fact that it was the same drifting I rated a zero three Fast n Furious sequels ago. The Middle Eastern dare devils are gods when it comes to drifting. I was literally at the edge of my seat the whole time. Then they invited me into the drifting car with an internal video cam, you will swear these guys are on drugs. The driver flats it out paddle to metal till the needle touches the 200kmh mark and beyond, and then he starts giggling uncontrollably while he start flipping the steering wheel in his maneuvers totally sliding the car from side to side while he is raising his hand to get a high five from his loony passenger as proof that they are in control.

From the outside the car is veering uncontrollably aiming for spectators cuing fearlessly for miles along the stretch of road, the only consolation is that it is on an abandoned strip that looks like it was specifically designed for this purpose. As though not enough suicide attempts, these crazy loochies took it to a busy street veering between cars from robot to robot. Then just for kicks, they took it to a four lane express highway at peak hours and proved once and for all that this was beyond just an act of luck. I fell in love with a syndicate called the Arun Crew, not because they were best but just because they were the only crew’s name I could remember.

But of cause with every risky business danger is eminent. They did let me into an archive of their most fatal accidents recorded. Needless to say that if one saw such disasters you will be damned to return to drifting ever again, but not these lot. I could have sworn they would lose their limbs if they stopped these habits. And the cost of wracking cars every tournament should wean anyone from the streets permanently. That is where I then learned that these syndicates are seriously funded very much by rich Saudi sheiks and business man across the Middle East.
Directly as a result of watching these guys at work I tried some of the stunts on the M1, I must say the best I ever came close to doing this was accelerating to a 195kmh and that was it. I am sorry I value my life dearly and I would edge no one to try this at home.  
Watch some of the video footage and weep.